Fail2ban Setup for SSH
Fail2ban is one of the most popular intrusion detection/prevention software which is written in python language. It looks for too many failed login attempts by scanning log files like /var/log/secure
, /var/log/auth.log
, /var/log/pwdfail
It uses iptables to block IP addresses for certain period of time which can be set in its configuration file.
Here is a small tutorial in installing and configuring fail2ban in Raspberry pi
1. Install fail2ban
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install fail2ban
2. Setup some configuration options
The configuration file for fail2ban is located in /etc/fail2ban/
named jail.conf
Modify the configuration file accordingly. Here are some settings.
ignoreip =
bantime = 600
maxretry = 6 # Default is 3. I increased it.
Fail2ban does not need port number actually, You can modify this with your port number.
enabled = true
port = ssh, 1234
filter = sshd
logpath = /var/log/auth.log
maxretry = 10 # Number of retries. Again, I increased it. Default is 6
3. Configuration
Furthermore you can perform following steps to check whether fail2ban is working properly.
3.1 Check fail2ban is running or not.
sudo /etc/init.d/fail2ban status
3.2 Check if your SSH Jail is set up properly.
sudo fail2ban-client status
You should see something like this:
|- Number of jail: 1
`- Jail list: ssh
3.3 Check the log file:
fail2ban-regex /var/log/auth.log /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/sshd.conf