Enable 7.1 Virtual Sound in Linux using Pipewire
This article explains how to enable 7.1 virtual surround sound in Linux using Pipewire

Photo by Sascha Bosshard on Unsplash
Follow the steps
1. Copy pipewire.conf file from /usr/share/pipewire/ folder to ~/.config/pipewire/ folder. Create the folder if necessary.
2. Copy the following text in the configuration file inside context.modules = [] section
{ name = libpipewire-module-filter-chain
args = {
node.description = "Virtual Surround Sink"
media.name = "Virtual Surround Sink"
filter.graph = {
nodes = [
# duplicate inputs
{ type = builtin label = copy name = copyFL }
{ type = builtin label = copy name = copyFR }
{ type = builtin label = copy name = copyFC }
{ type = builtin label = copy name = copyRL }
{ type = builtin label = copy name = copyRR }
{ type = builtin label = copy name = copySL }
{ type = builtin label = copy name = copySR }
{ type = builtin label = copy name = copyLFE }
# apply hrir - HeSuVi 14-channel WAV (not the *-.wav variants) (note: */44/* in HeSuVi are the same, but resampled to 44100)
{ type = builtin label = convolver name = convFL_L config = { filename = "hrir_hesuvi/hrir.wav" channel = 0 } }
{ type = builtin label = convolver name = convFL_R config = { filename = "hrir_hesuvi/hrir.wav" channel = 1 } }
{ type = builtin label = convolver name = convSL_L config = { filename = "hrir_hesuvi/hrir.wav" channel = 2 } }
{ type = builtin label = convolver name = convSL_R config = { filename = "hrir_hesuvi/hrir.wav" channel = 3 } }
{ type = builtin label = convolver name = convRL_L config = { filename = "hrir_hesuvi/hrir.wav" channel = 4 } }
{ type = builtin label = convolver name = convRL_R config = { filename = "hrir_hesuvi/hrir.wav" channel = 5 } }
{ type = builtin label = convolver name = convFC_L config = { filename = "hrir_hesuvi/hrir.wav" channel = 6 } }
{ type = builtin label = convolver name = convFR_R config = { filename = "hrir_hesuvi/hrir.wav" channel = 7 } }
{ type = builtin label = convolver name = convFR_L config = { filename = "hrir_hesuvi/hrir.wav" channel = 8 } }
{ type = builtin label = convolver name = convSR_R config = { filename = "hrir_hesuvi/hrir.wav" channel = 9 } }
{ type = builtin label = convolver name = convSR_L config = { filename = "hrir_hesuvi/hrir.wav" channel = 10 } }
{ type = builtin label = convolver name = convRR_R config = { filename = "hrir_hesuvi/hrir.wav" channel = 11 } }
{ type = builtin label = convolver name = convRR_L config = { filename = "hrir_hesuvi/hrir.wav" channel = 12 } }
{ type = builtin label = convolver name = convFC_R config = { filename = "hrir_hesuvi/hrir.wav" channel = 13 } }
# treat LFE as FC
{ type = builtin label = convolver name = convLFE_L config = { filename = "hrir_hesuvi/hrir.wav" channel = 6 } }
{ type = builtin label = convolver name = convLFE_R config = { filename = "hrir_hesuvi/hrir.wav" channel = 13 } }
# stereo output
{ type = builtin label = mixer name = mixL }
{ type = builtin label = mixer name = mixR }
links = [
# input
{ output = "copyFL:Out" input="convFL_L:In" }
{ output = "copyFL:Out" input="convFL_R:In" }
{ output = "copySL:Out" input="convSL_L:In" }
{ output = "copySL:Out" input="convSL_R:In" }
{ output = "copyRL:Out" input="convRL_L:In" }
{ output = "copyRL:Out" input="convRL_R:In" }
{ output = "copyFC:Out" input="convFC_L:In" }
{ output = "copyFR:Out" input="convFR_R:In" }
{ output = "copyFR:Out" input="convFR_L:In" }
{ output = "copySR:Out" input="convSR_R:In" }
{ output = "copySR:Out" input="convSR_L:In" }
{ output = "copyRR:Out" input="convRR_R:In" }
{ output = "copyRR:Out" input="convRR_L:In" }
{ output = "copyFC:Out" input="convFC_R:In" }
{ output = "copyLFE:Out" input="convLFE_L:In" }
{ output = "copyLFE:Out" input="convLFE_R:In" }
# output
{ output = "convFL_L:Out" input="mixL:In 1" }
{ output = "convFL_R:Out" input="mixR:In 1" }
{ output = "convSL_L:Out" input="mixL:In 2" }
{ output = "convSL_R:Out" input="mixR:In 2" }
{ output = "convRL_L:Out" input="mixL:In 3" }
{ output = "convRL_R:Out" input="mixR:In 3" }
{ output = "convFC_L:Out" input="mixL:In 4" }
{ output = "convFC_R:Out" input="mixR:In 4" }
{ output = "convFR_R:Out" input="mixR:In 5" }
{ output = "convFR_L:Out" input="mixL:In 5" }
{ output = "convSR_R:Out" input="mixR:In 6" }
{ output = "convSR_L:Out" input="mixL:In 6" }
{ output = "convRR_R:Out" input="mixR:In 7" }
{ output = "convRR_L:Out" input="mixL:In 7" }
{ output = "convLFE_R:Out" input="mixR:In 8" }
{ output = "convLFE_L:Out" input="mixL:In 8" }
inputs = [ "copyFL:In" "copyFR:In" "copyFC:In" "copyLFE:In" "copyRL:In" "copyRR:In", "copySL:In", "copySR:In" ]
outputs = [ "mixL:Out" "mixR:Out" ]
capture.props = {
node.name = "effect_input.virtual-surround-7.1-hesuvi"
media.class = Audio/Sink
audio.channels = 8
audio.position = [ FL FR FC LFE RL RR SL SR ]
playback.props = {
node.name = "effect_output.virtual-surround-7.1-hesuvi"
node.passive = true
audio.channels = 2
audio.position = [ FL FR ]
3. Note there is file named hrir_hesuvi/hrir.wav in the text above. You will need the file.
4. Download the WAV file from the following location: https://airtable.com/shruimhjdSakUPg2m/tbloLjoZKWJDnLtTc
5. You can use atmos also. I used atmos and worked for my preference. Save the file in one of the folder and replace hrir_hesuvi/hrir.wav with the full path of the downloaded file.
6. Reboot and select "Virtual Surround Sound" in GNOME Sound Settings.